Tag: brown

Watcha Lookin’ At?

This Elk was near the beach in a pretty populated area of Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California. You could tell he was accustomed to the attention, but he didn’t necessarily like it. He just sat there sizing up everyone as they walked along the trail.

Stump Pattern

If this fallen tree could talk I’m sure it would have lots to say. I was more interested in the way the center of the tree had rotted away, and that the deterioration of the whole thing had created a really strong pattern!

Dirty Mushroom

Under the bright light of the outdoor Farmer’s Market in San Francisco, this mushroom had a lot of texture to it. It almost looked dirty and gritty. If it tastes as interesting as it looks I bet it is delicious.

Tree on Beach

Most of the beaches I saw in Oregon were pretty clean, but this one was particularly neat and free of anything other than sand. Except of course for this one washed up tree.

Snowy Barn

This old barn covered in snow on the side of the road was not in the best of shape, but that was just fine with me as I really liked the way it looked. I caught this just at the right time of day to get some shadows of the trees on the silo.

All Beach, No Sunrise

I had high hopes of catching the one day a year where there is a clear, fog-less sunrise from China Beach in San Francisco. As you can tell I must have picked the wrong day. I decided to make the best of the early morning and was able to get some cool shots of the beach in the fog.

Smudge Pots

These smudge pots in Napa are used to prevent front damage to the grapes. They burn diesel fuel when there is a chance of frost and create a smokey layer that protects the grapes from freezing. This lineup of smudge pots look like they have been around awhile, and maybe even used for BB gun target practice!

Chipped Wood

This is part of a huge fallen tree in Calaveras Big Trees State Park. This downed part of the tree had been chipped away with an ax to create a pretty cool pattern.

Hello City

A piece of the San Francisco skyline. On a clear day from the Ferry Building in San Francisco, this is the view that you will see. The sky layered nicely with the different buildings as the spread out into the distance.

At the Helm

Our trusty captain after a day of diving in Thailand, taking us safely back to shore.

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