Tag: brown

Not Spring Yet

It isn’t quite spring yet, at least not if this tree has anything to say about it!


Clothes, and the machines to make them. At least the machines that were used in the past to make them!

My Sediments Exactly

An interesting pattern of sediment flowing into the San Francisco Bay. It might not be so pretty when you are in the water, but from up in the air it made a multicolor design.

A Tree Well Trimmed

I did some yard work today and took care of trimming a tree that has needed some maintenance for a while. The lower branches were getting out of control. This was one of the smaller branches, and I was able to leave more of the pattern of the tree intact by using a clippers instead of a saw. After I noticed the detail I knew I had to get a photo.

Just a Bird and a Sunset

This big fella was hanging out on the Pismo Beach Pier as I was walking by. He didn’t seem to notice me, but I’m pretty sure he was nonchalantly looking for a hand out. I quickly snapped his photo before he expected too much of me and went about my business

Hi Friend!

Sometimes the best subjects pop up right in your own backyard. That was the case with this praying mantis. He was just hanging out by a potted plant in the backyard waiting for me to come by with my camera.

Mountain Gulls

These gulls look pretty happy by Lake Tahoe. I would be too if I had this view every day!

Has Anyone Seen My Shoe?

Have you ever seen a missing shoe on the street? I often wonder how so many people seem to lose a shoe, and not notice immediately and go back. Maybe I’m just sensitive to lost shoes, but I swear it is more common than it should be. If someone had lost a shoe, I would certainly send them here. This particular leather shoe shop came highly recommended by a friend in Mexico. We had to stop in to check it out. None of them seemed just right to me, but, if I had recently lost a shoe I would be happy to find this place!

Valentine Cupcakes

Sweets made by someone special just for me! How great is that? Happy Valentine’s Day!

Cenote Exit

This was the very first cenote a saw on my trip to Mexico. It just so happened to be on the property of some friends who live down there! I might have seen a few later on that were more photogenic, but this one left an impression on me and it is very unique. The bright light shining in from the entrance really contrasts with the dark deeper reaches of the cenote.

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