Tag: winery

Smudge Pots

These smudge pots in Napa are used to prevent front damage to the grapes. They burn diesel fuel when there is a chance of frost and create a smokey layer that protects the grapes from freezing. This lineup of smudge pots look like they have been around awhile, and maybe even used for BB gun target practice!

Mud, Grass and Grapes

This photo taken at Karmere Vineyards near Plymouth CA looks more like a painting to me. I liked the way the mud was right next to the grass, and the dark clouds looming in the background.

The Grapes?

I’m not sure what was growing in this field, but I’m pretty sure they weren’t making wine with it this year. It did make the scene non-typical for a vineyard in Napa, and the blossoms really popped against the sky.

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