Lisbon is a very hilly city, as any resident of the city will happily tell you. These old tracks are the home of the Ascensor da Glória, a type of train that will take you on a short ride up or down the steep hill. The interesting views were at night, when the clouds were moving and the crazy mix of sky and artificial lights took over.
Tag: train
Fire Above the Tracks
This sunset was just crazy. I made quick work of getting from my house to this spot in order to capture it! I like the way the tracks disappear off into the center of the last remaining light.
Ice Tunnel
Trains used to scream through this tunnel. Now it looks like a better place for skating with the floor covered in ice and sharp icicles hanging from the ceiling.
By the Tracks Again
I was actually travelling by car when I took this, but these tracks going toward Mt. Shasta meant I had to make a pit stop. It was a hot day after a lot of driving, and part of me wished I was up on top of Shasta where there is still snow.
BU Bridge
The view of the train bridge converted to a bike path from the Boston University Bridge almost gives you too much to take in at once. Graffiti, boats, skyline, all very different elements in one place. While I was standing here a sailboat slowly crashed into the bridge, and was quickly pulled away by another boat. These rental boats must get some good abuse!
The Split
When I saw this bridge I knew I had to stop. I like the way the old train bridge is reaching up into the cloudy sky, while the tracks run off in different directions below.
Elevated Tracks
An old train bridge on Cape Cod. This bridge is a vertical lift that raises the center section straight up parallel to the water below. It was an interesting design, and the sharp metal edges against the cloudy sky made for a cool photo.
The L
I guess I’m in a Chicago kind of mood. On a morning shoot I caught the frequent L train buzzing by above the street, and thought that capturing a bit of motion would make this image more interesting.