Trains used to scream through this tunnel. Now it looks like a better place for skating with the floor covered in ice and sharp icicles hanging from the ceiling.
Tag: abandoned
Taking a road trip now is easy. You just drive and stop a lot to take pictures. I’m pretty sure riding in this wagon came with a different set of priorities.
End of the Line
I almost expected to see a ghost train while on this spooky old set of railroad tracks, but I did not. Instead I saw where trains used to cross the San Francisco Bay, but not much else happens today.
Old and Older
An unused control tower, and an unused hangar. Two structures that are out of service, but the contrast between them is quite unique!
Spooky Fleet
These decommissioned ships are known as the Reserve Fleet. They have patiently waited for years to be disassembled as they rust away in the bay. When they are finally gone I’ll miss their eerie presence.
This Used to be Something…
I’m just not quite sure what it used to be. It is in a prime location in Healdsburg, but certainly looks to be in disrepair!
Architectural Details
Detroit Central Station has some great architectural details, and probably some great bones, but there are many areas of the building that could use some work. Take a minute and focus on some of the beautiful features instead of the aspects that are less than perfect.
Appropriate words written on the top of Detroit Central Station. This old train station has a long history, but now it is fenced off and abandoned. There are those that want it demolished, and those that want it saved. I can only imagine what this looked like it its day as a thriving station, but now we can only see the beauty in decay.