Tag: traffic

Embarcadero Cruising

Traffic on The Embarcadero never stops. The good news is that if you wait until sun down, the lights and the Ferry Building really make the palm trees glow.

Embarcadero Cruising

Almost Sunset

Market Street is a busy scene, lots of things happening and people going every direction. Just before the sun went down I had a clear view all the way to the Ferry Building and some nice light with the sun low in the sky.

Almost Sunset

Fog City

It is unclear (get it?!?) to me why I would expect to see all of the skyline in a city known for fog. What this view lacks in a crisp view of the skyline it makes up for with a mysterious glow in the sky and the traffic below.

Fog City

Marin Sunset

Marin has many great spots to catch a sunset. From here you are up above the Golden Gate Bridge, and get a big view of the bay before you with San Francisco in the background. This was a perfect night, with clear weather and just a few wispy clouds to light up the sky.

Marin Sunset

Looking Both Ways

Traffic is stopped, time for a quick check both ways and then back to enjoying the music and taking in the sunset.

Looking Both Ways

The Underground

There seems to be a bit of excitement around London the last few days, so I dug one of my shots of the city out of the archive and processed it. Night photos like this always take awhile to setup, and this one was no exception as I had to wait for a group of friends to sort out their way home while teetering on the top of these steps. Ultimately they make a good decision to take the tube instead of driving, and more importantly they get out of my shot!

The Underground

The Old and the New

Styles change over time. At one time clunky exposed steel was what bridges were expected to look like. Today the more dramatic white tower and cables of the Bay Bridge really shines over the water.

The Old and the New

Fire Above the Tracks

This sunset was just crazy. I made quick work of getting from my house to this spot in order to capture it! I like the way the tracks disappear off into the center of the last remaining light.

Fire Above the Tracks

Super Moon

This…is the super moon. Tonight the moon reached perigee, the closest it will be in its orbit to the earth all year. It appeared 14 percent larger than any other moon of the year and dwarfed the traffic on the highway. Enjoy!


I saw a massive moon rising over the highway on my way home recently. Of course, I didn’t have my camera with me. By the time I got back to this spot, the moon had risen further and become smaller in the sky. The sun continued to set behind me, so the sky did become more colorful. Overall I like the lights of the traffic, the sky, and of course the way the moon turned out!

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