Tag: wide

Faster in Red

This car screams zoom zoom even when it is sitting still. What this car might not have in actual speed it absolutely makes up for in Italian style.

Faster in Red

Under the Sea

Things are pretty crazy right now. We have to keep our heads up and be careful to avoid crowds above the water, but things under the water seem better. Here at Richelieu Rock you can spot tons of fish, coral, anemone, giant clams and so much more. The massive amount of life and crazy colors on this dive really blew me away. Absolutely one of the best I’ve ever been on!

Under the Sea

Make Today Amazing

Sometimes you need to just wander around a new city to discover places like this. We were on our way to find some delicious beverages, but had to stop and take some pics of this colorful stairwell, complete with inspirational quotes in English despite this being in Hong Kong and a tree making the best of a difficult place to put down roots.

Make Today Amazing

I’d Travel All the Way Here for the Anemones

I love the sea, I love the fish, but I’d go on an entire dive trip just to watch the anemones slowly wave in the current.

I’d Travel All the Way Here for the Soft Coral

Richelieu Rock

One of my best dives in Thailand was at Richelieu Rock. This reef has a crazy amount of life, both fish and corals, and in this spot they all swirl together to make a very busy but very intricate pattern. The rock itself barely sticks out of the water, and is pretty far from other islands. This isolation must make it a safe place for all this life to exist.

Richelieu Rock

Last Cornice of Spring

Skiing off a cornice such as this one can be intimidating. Last weekend there was nothing but soft, slushy spring snow everywhere, so skiing over this was more like dropping into a pile of mashed potatoes than skiing over a steep drop.

Last Cornice of Spring

Grace Cathedral at Dusk

Light and angles are two important parts of photography. For this shot I chose dusk for the light and wide for the angle to make a beautiful cathedral a little crazy and dramatic.

Grace Cathedral at Dusk

Wide Open Roads

Going all the way around an entire country, even if it is a small one like Iceland, requires a lot of driving. The roads go through the wild and varied landscape of Iceland, which meant I was never bored along the way. The bigger problem I had was trying not to stop at every beautiful vista, because if I had I’d never have gotten home!

Wide Open Roads

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