Tag: river

Manhattan Sunset

My original plan was to go to the top of Rockefeller Center to catch the sunset. Then it started raining, and then it started pouring. I was sure sunset was not going to happen. When the storm cleared right before sunset we were with our gracious hosts on Roosevelt Island and rushed to the roof. The sunset was super bright, and the leftover storm clouds were dramatic. Since it was just a few days past Manhattanhenge, where the direction of the sunset lines up with the corridors of the city, I was able to get the sun between two buildings right before it disappeared. Sometimes missed plans work out after all.

Manhattan Sunset

From the Air

The flight from San Jose to Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula was booked as a simple way to get from point A to point B. Views like this meant it could have just as easily been a sightseeing trip!

From the Air

A Bend in the River

Actually this isn’t a river, it is the ocean receding at low tide, but the crazy path the water chose to take is worth noting. I could have sat here all night taking photos of the dramatic sky, but the tide was coming back in and my path home was getting wetter by the second.

My Sediments Exactly

An interesting pattern of sediment flowing into the San Francisco Bay. It might not be so pretty when you are in the water, but from up in the air it made a multicolor design.


You don’t know where Bruemmerville Wisconsin is? That’s strange, I thought it was widely known for its history as a feed and flour mill, and currently for the scenic dam and Hunting and Fishing Club. Oh well, now you can at least see how pretty it is in the winter.

The River

One of the first stops on a recent trip through Oregon was this spot on the Rogue River. The rushing water and lush green were a good introduction to what was in store for us on the trip.

On the River

A water taxi passes by some Chicago skyscrapers.

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