Tag: leaf

Don’t Look at My Bum!

Cheeky Bum Looker! I can’t help but think of that old SNL quote when I see this picture. I got pretty close to this lizard and I think the look on his face shows that he wasn’t thrilled I was there!

Don't Look at My Bum!

Everything Green

I like contrast, and I like consistency. This time I went for a completely green color scheme.

Everything Green

Twisted Vines

These vines in my yard are always on the move. Normally they are trying to make their way across the yard. This time, they just decided to wind themselves into a bunch. If I didn’t know better I’d think someone planted magic beans and Jack was ready to climb up this beanstalk any minute.

Big Leaf Little Leaf

I’m a big fan of the sycamore. So much so that I’ve planted a few around my home. What I was not expecting to see this morning was this contrast of a small, new, yellow leaf among the larger deep green leaves. The combination together did make for quite the contrast!

One Red Leaf

It is safe to say that fall is winding down so I will have to stop posting so many leaf photos soon. I need to get this one out there before it gets too far into winter so here goes. This one red leaf on the lawn struck me as it contrasted the other mostly yellow leaves on the grass.

Green Friend

This crazy bug was called to my attention one fine morning.  At first it looked like he could have been a leaf perfectly placed on the back of a chair, but on further inspection I saw it was in fact a very curious bug.  As I got very close to him to take this picture he tried to reach out and practically jump onto my lens.  It was almost as if he wanted a closer look!

Escaping Bee

While walking around the California State Capitol one day I noticed some nice bottle brush that I thought would make a nice photograph.  There was only one bee there, and I caught him just as he was getting ready to fly  away.  Certainly made it more interesting than the bottle brush alone.

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