Tag: antenna

Spring Butterfly

This orange butterfly was minding his own business when I found him, and he didn’t mind posing for a photo op.

The Slowest U-Turn

What is a photographer to do on a rainy weekend in Sacramento? I decided to go snail hunting, and I found many right in my yard. This one was easy to find, and was a little camera shy, turning away from my camera every opportunity he got.

Slug Eats Rock

This slug was really into this rock. I almost stepped on him on a trail, but after I saw him I’m not sure how I was almost able to miss him. He was huge, and slimy. There was a crazy orange stripe down each side of his body that really stood out. I’m pretty sure he was going to eat this whole rock if I had watched him long enough.

Green Friend

This crazy bug was called to my attention one fine morning.  At first it looked like he could have been a leaf perfectly placed on the back of a chair, but on further inspection I saw it was in fact a very curious bug.  As I got very close to him to take this picture he tried to reach out and practically jump onto my lens.  It was almost as if he wanted a closer look!

Orange Butterfly

On a hike I came across this little guy right in the center of a muddy trail. As far as I can tell he is some type of Western Checkerspot, but I am not a butterfly expert. What I do know is that he was very orange and had some really cool eyes!

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