Tag: tree

Squirrel Monkey

I saw lots of monkeys in Costa Rica, Capuchin, Howler and Squirrel Monkeys. Some of them were even nice photos, but most were not that unique. A trip to a restaurant with a patio that was high up in the trees meant a different angle. The monkeys were up in a tree but still below where I was, and looking up at me instead of the other way around.

Squirrel Monkey


This ornament was originally my dad’s. It was designed to hold a light that is bigger than the ones on my tree, but I liked the way it shines and made it work. Merry Christmas!


Sutro Tower

I was expecting a view of San Francisco from here, but I wasn’t expecting the dramatic layer of fog below me. It really separated the elevations, and completely blocked out the ocean for most of this hike.

Sutro Tower

Going Green

November sometimes means watching the landscape go from green to white. Here, the rain allows what was brown to turn to green. I hiked Mount Tamalpais to get my fill of the lush foliage that grows in the canyons.

Going Green


I wasn’t around back then, but this bridge has been working hard since that year to collect moss.


Merry and Bright

It doesn’t snow where I live, but it does where I grew up. When I’m home for the holidays I get a chance to appreciate all the cold and snow! Merry Christmas!

Merry and Bright

Over Under

The path of this trail cuts away the earth, so you can see not only the trees above, but the roots below.

Over Under

Suburban Oaks

Sometimes, in the middle of all the houses, there is some open space for a sunset.

Top of the Tower

I was the only one in the group brave enough to summit Eagle Tower on this cold winter afternoon. At ground level you are surrounded by dormant trees, but at the top you get a glimpse of the sun.


My blog didn’t have enough cute dogs, and I know people love cute dogs, so this should really send my popularity through the roof! We were lucky enough to spend a few days dog sitting Dexter, so of course I had to get him to pose by the tree.

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