Tag: architecture

New Bridge, Old Cathedral

The Millennium Bridge crosses the River Thames in London, and is an excellent contrast to the iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral in the background. Many people pass here everyday as their typical commute, but I had to stop and admire the new architecture in front of the old classics.

New Bridge, Old Cathedral

Zoom Zoom

Cathedrals are cool and all, but so are light trails from cars zooming by. The night was pretty quiet, but I still managed to get a few cars to drive by to light up the foreground.

Zoom Zoom

I Miss New York City

The big city of dreams, the city that never sleeps, the home of Liz Lemon. All great things. This was a particularly fun night walking around NYC and keeping our eyes looking up. 30 Rockefeller Plaza is spectacular in the way it lights up the night sky.

I Miss New York City

Don’t Look Directly at the Sun

It’s OK to point your camera at the sun, though, especially if you get a sun star and rainbow like this! The Flatiron Building in New York City is impressive on its own, but combined with direct sun and the glass of this lens I was able to get some unique results! Sometimes lens flare isn’t such a bad thing!

Don't Look Directly at the Sun

Nob Hill

For a few moments one small break in the clouds let some nice light shine down on Nob Hill. It almost looks like the top of the hill punched a hole in the sky.

Nob Hill

Mary Avenue Bridge

Shooting this bridge has been on my list for awhile, and I finally decided there was no time like the present. The sunset cooperated, but the lights did not. I waited until long after sunset for the bright lights to turn on that illuminate the towers but they never came on. That will be a photo for yet another day. Enjoy the sunset!

Mary Avenue Bridge

Dog City

This building stands above the rest of downtown Mountain View. It wasn’t always a nice place to be. After it was built, it was not occupied for many years, and got the name Dog City due to the fact they let dogs live on the first floor to scare away squatters!

Dog City

The Bus Stop

The bus was not making the stop this time, and sped on by.

The Bus Stop

The City

Some cities just have a certain style. I bet you recognize this one without me telling you where it is.

The City

California Christmas

In my opinion palm trees look just as festive with lights as a Christmas tree does!

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