Tag: wisconsin

Snowy Barn

This old barn covered in snow on the side of the road was not in the best of shape, but that was just fine with me as I really liked the way it looked. I caught this just at the right time of day to get some shadows of the trees on the silo.

Sunrise on a New Day

Happy New Year! This picture seemed like a great one for New Year’s Day, just as today is the first day of a new year, this was a great sunrise on a new day. This particular lighthouse is in Algoma Wisconsin and is something that I was vary familiar with growing up, often hearing the fog horn from my house. The ice on the shore was a pretty good indication of temperature I got to enjoy while I was waiting for the sun to rise!

Peekaboo Silo

This is another one from my recent trip to Wisconsin. Someone had taken an old farm silo and added a little flair to it. I wasn’t able to get a clear shot of just the silo, but I think I like it better this way with the tree branches almost framing it.

Lake Icicles

I went to Lake Michigan early one morning to catch the sunrise. It was pretty overcast and cleared up a bit later. I did get some sunrise shots, but I also really like these crazy icicles that were right by the water. The ice went right up to the edge, so I had to be careful not to fall in, as that water looked way too cold for a swim. As the sun broke through the clouds it lit up these icicles just perfectly!


You don’t know where Bruemmerville Wisconsin is? That’s strange, I thought it was widely known for its history as a feed and flour mill, and currently for the scenic dam and Hunting and Fishing Club. Oh well, now you can at least see how pretty it is in the winter.

Forestville Dam

The Forestville Dam in Wisconsin on a cool winter day. In case you couldn’t tell that this is a dam, there is a large sign to inform you. Probably much more helpful for when people are on the water in the summer. Even in the winter, I think the sign made the scene more interesting.

Winter Tug Boats

I braved the cold and ice to take this photo. I look forward to a Christmas that looks a little more like this photograph with more snow and ice than I currently have!

The Lighthouse

The lighthouse in Algoma Wisconsin. This was a familiar sight for me growing up, and is something I now associate with going home for the holidays. This was a very cold sunrise, but the steam coming off the lake with the lighthouse is striking.

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