Tag: butano

Slug Snacks

I missed my weekly photo a few weeks back. Now I’m making up for it with two photos from the same day. Banana slugs are common in the Santa Cruz Mountains if you keep your eye out for them. This one must have thought these leaves were delicious, he looked like he was going to eat the whole thing.

Slug Snacks

Trail on the Edge

California redwoods grow in some rugged and beautiful places. Butano State Park is full of steep ravines and trails that will take you through them. It is a great place to check out the redwoods in all their glory.

Trail on the Edge

The Mist

Hiking up and down the hills of Butano State Park led to lots of different climates in a short distance. This particularly misty section was beautiful and thick with a green covering on the floor of the forest.

The Mist

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