Tag: bokeh


These onions direct from the farmer’s market were too good to throw directly on the grill before being enjoyed with some carne asada. Of course I had to bust out the macro and take a few shots first. The progression of colors is what I like here, from white, to red to green.

The Slowest U-Turn

What is a photographer to do on a rainy weekend in Sacramento? I decided to go snail hunting, and I found many right in my yard. This one was easy to find, and was a little camera shy, turning away from my camera every opportunity he got.

Big Leaf Little Leaf

I’m a big fan of the sycamore. So much so that I’ve planted a few around my home. What I was not expecting to see this morning was this contrast of a small, new, yellow leaf among the larger deep green leaves. The combination together did make for quite the contrast!


A sure sign of spring, the flowers are blooming!

A Tree Well Trimmed

I did some yard work today and took care of trimming a tree that has needed some maintenance for a while. The lower branches were getting out of control. This was one of the smaller branches, and I was able to leave more of the pattern of the tree intact by using a clippers instead of a saw. After I noticed the detail I knew I had to get a photo.

Valentine Cupcakes

Sweets made by someone special just for me! How great is that? Happy Valentine’s Day!

High Tech Hearts

I like technology and I like candy. Here is a heart that wants a tweet, how sweet is that? Happy (early) Valentine’s Day!

Fuzzy Berries

I found these small fuzzy berries on the side of a trail and had to stop to get a photo. I’m not sure exactly what they were, but the closer I got the more detail that they revealed.

Abstract Flower

I really wanted to make this a two tone image, so I isolated the flower as much as I could to give it a more abstract feel.

Tools of the Trade

This is an image of the oil paints of my favorite artist! I may be a little partial, but that really isn’t the point. I saw these colorful paints in the studio and knew that I had to do something with them. While I don’t like this image as much as the paintings that they will become, I still think the colors all lined up in a row made an image with some great contrast.

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