Tag: northern

Mega Mendocino

The sharp cliffs and rocky arches of the Mendocino Headlands can be overwhelmingly beautiful. Best to take a step back and try to appreciate the sea, the sky and the land all spreading out before you.

Mega Mendocino

Mendocino Mist

I’ve wanted to experiment with day time long exposures to capture waves like this for a long time. I finally got the right ND filter to smooth these waves out and make them look more like smoke floating around than waves. The jagged rocks of the Mendocino Headlands provide contrast to the soft look of the waves with their crazy shapes and unique arches.

Mendocino Mist

Humpback Whales and Friends

I didn’t come here to watch whales, they showed up just like I did. I saw one come out of the water near Pacifica, and thought that might be the only one I saw. After a few minutes I realized there were at least four very close to shore and easy to see. They kept popping up to catch fish, which attracted a ton of birds to pick up the scraps. I could figure out where the whales were going next just by watching the birds.

Humpback Whales and Friends

Humpback Whales and Friends

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