Tag: pablos

Shrimp in a Coral

This Peppermint Shrimp must have been hiding in this huge tube coral, but once I got my camera pointed down at him he looked me straight in the eye! I only bothered him long enough to get a few shots and then left him alone.

Shrimp in a Coral

Just Coral

This section of coral was just too vibrant to pass up. I usually spend most of the time on a dive focusing on all the little animals under the ocean, but I had to make an exception when I saw this! All the different colors and textures here make for a pretty dynamic scene.

Just Coral

Fan Coral

It has been a whole week, I have to do it. I have to post another underwater photo. This one is a wide angle shot of some nice fan coral. I thought about getting rid of the shadow of one coral on the next, but I like the depth it brings out.

Fan Coral

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