Tag: rock

It’s Hard to Keep Driving

It’s hard to keep driving when all the roads look like this. The natural beauty of Zion is amazing, and the narrow strips of road that run through it get you where you need to go while providing a contrasting perspective.

It's Hard to Keep Driving

Through the Rock to the Beach

I’m fresh back from Mallorca and started digging through my many many pics. This was early in our trip, and was advertised as a quick walk to a nice beach. After a few minutes of walking we learned there were a couple interesting tunnels to go through before getting the the beach right around the corner which made for unique photo op!

Through the Rock to the Beach

Zion Isn’t Just for Rocks

It’s also for waterfalls! A short hike and a steady tripod was all that it took to get a shot of this little waterfall.

Zion Isn't Just for Rocks

Rock Pocket

The Narrows in Zion is great place for a hike through the cold water. During a flood the rocks are lifted up and pushed into unique little pockets carved out of the wall. It almost looks like someone has carefully selected and stored each individual rock there.

Rock Pocket

The Falls With No Name

Iceland has many beautiful waterfalls, so many they apparently don’t bother to name them all! Not everything is in a name as this waterfall had some absolutely freezing but photo worthy water swirling all around it.

The Falls With No Name

Moving Up The Narrows

Hiking up The Narrows in Zion requires getting wet. I’m normally looking for any excuse to get in the water with a tripod to get a shot of water like this flowing by, but for this hike it was required instead of optional.

Moving Up The Narrows

Foss Foss Everywhere a Foss Foss

Iceland might be named for its icy glaciers, but I found it to be the land of waterfalls, or foss in Icelandic. We could barely drive a few miles without seeing a beautiful waterfall. While at Goðafoss I took the chance to get a close up to the moving water on the side of this massive waterfall and take this shot.

Foss Foss Everywhere a Foss Foss

Out of the Rain but Covered in Mist

Standing behind this waterfall under the rock shelf meant being out of the rain, but the powerful Seljalandsfoss is 200 feet tall and produces a lot of mist. My camera and I got pretty wet, but it was worth it to be able to experience this close up.

Out of the Rain but Covered in Mist

Lava Meets the Sea

Seeing lava flow into the ocean is a rare sight, but my timing was just right to see it on a recent trip to Hawaii. The lava near the Kilauea Volcano at the Kamokuna ocean entry produces a lot of steam as it hits the cool ocean, and at night you can see the red glow of the lava when the sun goes down

Lava Meets the Sea

From There to Here

Hiking in Pinnacles National Park leads to many great views such as this panorama taken from the center of the park. The climb up here has some interesting steps carved in the rock along the way, and once you complete those you can look back on the trail that got you here in the center of the frame.

From There to Here

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